
Primitive and flexible state management for React

Atom creator with compare


atomWithCompare creates atom that triggers updates when custom compare function areEqual(prev, next) is false.

This can help you avoid unwanted re-renders by ignoring state changes that don't matter to your application.

Note: Jotai uses internally to compare values when changes occur. If areEqual(a, b) returns false, but, b) returns true, Jotai will not trigger an update.

import { atomWithReducer } from 'jotai/utils'
export function atomWithCompare<Value>(
initialValue: Value,
areEqual: (prev: Value, next: Value) => boolean
) {
return atomWithReducer(initialValue, (prev: Value, next: Value) => {
if (areEqual(prev, next)) {
return prev
return next

Here's how you'd use it to make an atom that ignores updates that are shallow-equal:

import { atomWithCompare } from 'XXX'
import { shallowEquals } from 'YYY'
import { CSSProperties } from 'react'
const styleAtom = atomWithCompare<CSSProperties>(
{ backgroundColor: 'blue' },

In a component:

const StylePreview = () => {
const [styles, setStyles] = useAtom(styleAtom)
return (
<div styles={styles}>Style preview</div>
{/* Clicking this button twice will only trigger one render */}
<button onClick={() => setStyles({ ...styles, backgroundColor: 'red' })}>
Set background to red
{/* Clicking this button twice will only trigger one render */}
<button onClick={() => setStyles({ ...styles, fontSize: 32 })}>
Enlarge font